Tuesday, October 29, 2013

How to be phony.

I usually call my friend, Gaya, at work as I can never get through to her handphone (mobile or cellphone for you Americans out there). Most of the time I am put on hold by one of her colleagues using their soothing customer friendly voices. Anyway, here's how our conversation went the other day.

Gaya's office: POP Cinemas, how may I help you?
Me: Hi, may I speak to Gaya please?
GO: Yes, Gaya here- 
Me: Dude, is that really you ah? Doesn't sound like you at all.
GO: This is my work voice lah, Let.

This made me realise the importance of how you carry yourself on the phone, especially if you're in the customer service line. When Gaya uses her work voice, her tone is much softer and inviting than her every-day voice, which is louder and more in-your-face. I just laughed for a few seconds. Anyway, you cannot some like a blabbering idiot when you are dealing with customers. Your tone, speed, and choice of words need to be appropriate to avoid whoever that is on the other line from hating you. 

In following my blog post procedure, I shall proceed with numbered tips on how to be a professional phone person. And they include:

  1. Answer the call quickly.
  2. Answering the phone ‘with a smile on your face’.
  3. Always mention your company name
  4. Check the information and Re-confirm any spellings that you are unsure of.
  5. Remain positive and professional.
  6. Give the caller an idea when they can expect a call back.
  7. Make sure you go back to update them every few seconds, if you put them on hold.
  8. Be aware your out of hours callers are just as important as those who call within office hours.

Thanks for reading, people.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Now, for a more practical post. I thought I better do just that since I've been posting a lot of comedy sketches and improv videos. The site below does a good job of preparing you for a formal speaking test (so you can move on with your life and one step closer to studying in Lundun or Aussie-Aussie). The tips provided are straightfoward and useful, so do check this site out and feel free to recommend it to anyone who's about to sit for a speaking test.


I like this tip a lot:
If you don’t know a word, think of another way to say it. For example, if you know the word ‘expensive’, but can’t remember the word ‘cheap’, you could say:
It’s not expensive.
It’s a good price.
It’s not a lot of money.

People, the need to improvise is great! 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


I am not a comedian, but I'd like to be. Badly. Getting paid to be funny, now that's a job. Although most comedians plan their stand-up routines beforehand, improvisation and spontaneity are still two very important parts of the job. Because anything can happen at a live show, these comedians have to be think quick, keep the audience engaged, and be funny.

My last post was regarding one of the best shows ever, Whose Line is it Anyway?. The entire show is fueled on improv and audience participation from start to finish. The contestants receive the topics or characters they have to act out on the spot, and do them brilliantly. Surprisingly, there are various guidelines on how to do improv or improve your improv.

I stumbled upon this funny video where Liam Neeson is seeking advice from Ricky Gervais and his writing partner, Stepehen Merchant, on tips on becoming a stand-up comedian.

Conclusion: Liam Neeson is awesome.

For more on improv and everything good in the world, check this page out =).

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Where everything's made up and the points don't matter.

So, there's a show called Whose Line Is It Anyway? and I always forget how how massive the part it has played in my 21 years of living. I sort of lost touch with this show until a recent conversation with a friend of mine when we started talking about the show, about the host Drew Carey, about Wayne Brady (pre-Barney's gay brother in How I Met Your Mother) and we started laughing like crazy, reminiscing on those good times.

After our awesome conversation, she asked me to download the complete seasons of the U.S version of Whose Line, the version we grew up with. Not many people know that Whose Line originated from the U.K (the origin of perfect comedy, in my opinion). I'm now only watching the U.K version of Whose Line as we speak and I must say the Americans kicked their arses on this one. This is one of the rare times I prefer the American version of a British creation. It is like finding a pearl in a barrel of turd.

Some angels on the internet have decided to create a site where anyone can watch every single episode of Whose Line (the U.S and U.K version) for free.

I died and gone to heaven.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you so so much.

I will happily share the link here.

You're welcome.

For all you glossophobics out there Pt. II.

More tips on how to curb this horrible, vomit inducing fear!

Here are five unusual (I was a but disappointed at the lack of unusuality, but tips are tips I suppose).


1. Share an emotional story.

2. Pause for 8 to 10 seconds.

3. Ask a question to the audience-and you-can't answer.

4. Find one thing no one knows.

5. Avoid thinking about sales.

Tips 2 and 3 are particularly hilarious.

For all you glossophobics out there.

Are you a glossophobic?

Because I am.

I am so afraid of...gloss.

That was a bad line, I should delete it.

Anyway, I shall move on with serious business now.

Glossophobia is actually the fear of public speaking, according to Wikipedia. I have no idea what it has to do with gloss.

I found this really useful article on tips tips on being a better public speaker, sans the shivering and the stammering and the urinating and the fainting.


  1. Begin with the end in mind. 
  2. Simplify your messages.  
  3. Avoid the perils of Powerpoint. 
  4. Connect with your audience.  
  5. Tell personal stories. 
  6. Prepare and practice.  
  7. Watch yourself.  
  8. Avoid sameness.  
  9. Message your body.  
  10. Let your passion show. 
  11. De-risk the logistics.  

These are really no-nonsense, legitimate points. I honestly find that they will help me during my next class presentation, or anything that requires me to speak formally in front of a crowd. 


Welcome to the argument clinic.

This is a sketch by Monty Python, a British comedy group that made me laugh, cry and gave me another reason to love the United Kingdom. The Monty Python utilised the English language into their comedy to the fullest. American comedy is known for their physical comedy, whereas the Brits make us gag and giggle and fall off our chairs with their hilarious and smart use of the language. In order to understand and enjoy British comedy, I believe one must have a good command of the English language with an adequate vocabulary and of course, an open, open mind.

I give you, the Monty Python.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Month 10.

Happy October guys! I don't know why, but October has always been my favourite month of the year. Anyway, I wanna start off this month with more listening tips. There are PLENTY on the web.

1.  Make Eye Contact
2.  Be Present
3.  Give NO Sign You are Ready to Respond
4.  Wait Two Seconds to Respond
5.  Let Them Go First
6.  Care About What’s Being Said
7.  Listen For The Message Within The Message
8.  Don’t Change The Subject
9.  Respond By Asking Questions
10.  Don’t Start a Side Conversation
I personally think I'm a good listener, but after reading this article I found out that I do need improvement in some areas. Tips number 4 and 10 I find to be very important and useful. By waiting two seconds I can eliminate any overlapping speech by making sure that the person I'm speaking to has finished what their saying.

I also think it's very easy to start a side conversation , especially if you're not in the inner circle of that main conversation (if you're hanging out with a friends of a friend for example). You don't think you have the right to add anything to that particular conversation, as it does not concern you, so you start a mini conversation with someone else. Tip number ten reminds that although we might not be included in a conversation, it's still good to listen. Hey, maybe they'll want your opinion after all?

“You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.” - Dale Carnegie